Scarboro Stories Podcast Series


Season 1: Produced and hosted by Rimsha Rahman

Season 2: Produced and hosted by Wyn Kon

The Scarboro Stories Podcast Series was created as a platform for Scarborough residents to express themselves freely and claim their narratives. This project acknowledges that we are part of a larger fight to address inequities not just in Scarborough, but also in other systematically oppressed communities around the world. We are living in unprecedented times, when it’s more important than ever to connect with local residents and hear their stories.

The issues we discuss in the series haven't emerged with the pandemic, but they've been happening for decades and it's time to shift the narrative. Each episode features a Scarborough resident, commuter, student, or community organizer, who share their experiences and the meaningful changes they’re creating.

This podcast encapsulates what the Scarborough Studies Collective is about: connecting members of the local community from various knowledge backgrounds to explore solutions that better serve Scarborough.